Sickness On Holiday in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Sickness On Holiday

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mintymow | 08:29 Sun 15th Nov 2015 | Health & Fitness
25 Answers
Our Son quite often has sickness when he is on holiday, for a day or so. Perfectly ok at home. He's always careful but likes to try the local foods within reason. Anyone else have experience of this.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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This can't be true......in the UK?.......it must be a scam.
agree rsvp
I got for nat yog at the breakfast table ....

kill it with diplodocus or what ever you find in it

advantage of having an open democrary innit ?
you identify a problem and go for it
rather than denying it ( see Camelford )

I think there is also a York centre of giardia that all the York GPs know about and we dont ( well there was - I was astounded by the detailed knowledge of giardiasis a york householder ha,d until he explained, having diagnosed giardiasis on signs alone in a traveller )
The onset of sickness close to the start of a holiday might have nothing to do with travelling to an unfamiliar place. When I was teaching, every teacher I knew assumed that they'd either fall ill, or at least feel unwell, during the first few days of each school holiday. That was irrespective of whether they were taking a holiday away from home or simply putting their feet up in their favourite armchair. It seemed to have something to do with 'keeping going', under stress' until the end of term and then, as the stress was finally removed, the body's immune system deciding to take a break too.
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Thanks everyone made interesting and enjoyable reading. Like the yoghurt idea and have passed that on.

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