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Climate Change Songs?

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andy-hughes | 16:47 Wed 18th Nov 2015 | News
29 Answers
Apart from that fact that I personally perceive the notion of 'climate change' as arrant nonsense - it is interesting that it's not been possible to parlay a hit out of it.

It reminds me that when Prince Charles married Lady Diana, I compiled a radio piece about the simple fact that of the twenty-plus 'comedy' songs about the union, not one came anywhere near the charts. Media URL:


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Dylan sang a hard rains a gonna fall sandy. Which is actually better.
How about Invisible Sun The Police, Purple Rain Prince, Fire and Rain James Taylor, Sometimes it Snows in April Prince, Rainy Night in Georgia.
With apologies, Andy - I couldn't help but smile at "I understand that the earth has hated up..." :-)
Come on mod.Now you are back can you keep your own post on track.What are we discussing here.Music,Science or Farce? How do you want your rules applied?
The conflicting information is one issue, certainly. The other is that I think people have a tendency to overlook that there is a difference between gross contribution and net contribution. The gross effect of human carbon emissions is relatively small compared to natural sources -- the equivalent of roughly 1 part in 20, I believe -- and so it's easy to dupe yourself into thinking "so bloody what then?" But the net effect is a lot larger, because a great deal of greenhouse gas emissions are reabsorbed already, so that the excess due to human activity ends up contributing at a far greater rate than the headline figure of 4% or so.

The "gross vs. net" thing shouldn't be too hard to appreciate. As to "climate change has always been happening". Well, duh. This is not a recent revelation and, believe it or not, scientists have kind of noticed this. Just as there is gross v. net, though, there is also signal vs. background. It's a basic principle of data analysis and, again, is probably being overlooked by the sceptics.
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A little confrontational there Retrocop, not sure that's needed.
LOL Lie In. Freudian slap?
Evening, Andy......please think of a song for me......I'm too busy mopping up and climbing on the roof....

Climate change just caused the worst rainstorm I have ever even caused the rain to join me in my dining room....through the roof.....☺
UK Chart No.11 (1979)

The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

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