Is your daughter's problem the xenon bulb users coming towards her?
This is the problem I have. My view of the road ahead of me is completely blotted out by the excessive shine of the oncoming car. If a pedestrian stumbled into the part of the road that I can no longer see and I am at country A-road speeds, they haven't a hope.
Cyclists, also, slowly emerge from the gloom as you approach them from behind and they are all but blotted out by the light of the oncoming car. Losing sight of another road user for more than a heartbeat means I can't anticipate what happens next. Sudden loss of visual cues for where the next bend is going is another concern.
My basic problem is that *my* headlights aren't as bright as I need for my driving style but, if I switch to xenon bulbs then I become as bad as the drivers I hate.