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Human Faeces In The Street.

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sandyRoe | 12:51 Mon 23rd Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
There's far too much of it to be a one-off accident. Could an illness be the cause of someone being unable to contain themselves?


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umm active constituent is morphine which constipates big time
longer story here
Oh, okay. Never had morphine so wouldn't know. I know cocaine helps the emptying of bowels, as does coffee.
You can't suggest it might be connected to an influx of people with different/lower standards of sanitation. (ask the mod?)
But you can say it's 'white British men'. (again, you know who to ask)
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Was it in his novel, Tropic of Cancer, that Henr Millar wrote of an Asian man who caused a stink in a Paris bordello when he used a bidet as a Toilet?
I'd ring the council and see if they'll send someone to clean it, Sandy. Don't know that they would, but it might be worth a try.

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