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What Have The Gnomes Done Now??

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sunny-dave | 16:19 Tue 24th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Two flaming big Wokkas (aka Chinooks) hurtling towards downtown Kettering at about 100 feet altitude ... scared the carp out of me while I was having my afternoon stroll ...


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We had three last week come over -frightened the life out of me but the horses never even looked up.
Well, at least you weren't within the sound of a running tap at the same time.....x
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Good job - could have been very messy :)
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Horses are weird - but you're right, they don't usually regard helicopters as a threat ...

... now a fertiliser bag flapping in a hedge is a very different matter :(
Chinooks always bring a smile to my face. We now get Apaches overflying en route to RMCS they bring a bloomin' great cheesy grin to my face :-)
we have loads of them round here as Odiham is only a few miles away. Had the good fortune to go up in one a few years ago.
Who are the Gnomes?
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The assorted AB_EDs, naomi - operating out of a secure bunker in Kettering
Oh, I see. It's a joke. Thanks.
Saw two flying low over my neck of the woods last week, don't half make a racket !

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