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Fao Margo Tester

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butcherbilly1324 | 13:44 Sun 29th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
How are you doing, is your hip healing?


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Hello Billy, nice to hear from you. Hip is healing well thanks down to one stick now, still a slight weakness on the op side, but no pain. Hands are still numb I'm afraid, I thought they would have improved by now. Has your OH heard anything about her op yet? No sign of Vakayu for a while please pass on my regards if you contact her.
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Hi margo, it is good you are healing well, OH had her op 5 weeks ago, recovering well, like you down to 1 stick now, i speak to Vak every other day, she is keeping well, i will tell her you were asking for her.
Pleased to hear that she has had the op and is recovering so well. That's excellent news. Yes please send my regards to Vak and let her know I'm thinking about her x
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Thanks margo, it is nice to hear from you, i will speak to Vak at the first of the week, and tell her you were asking for her. take care xx
You too :-))

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Fao Margo Tester

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