Setter has asked us not to ask for clues and answers but I hope she won't mind me asking this. She says the answers are in a particular order, has anyone worked that out - I can't see it at all. Thanks.
I don't understand the setters request. Surely is someone needs help with a few clues to finish, then with a bit of help they will send off the quiz with their donation.
At the moment, I am stuck on a few clues and without being able to ask for help on the last few, I may not be sending the quiz off so the setter is losing my donation. Surely I am not the only one to not finish it ?
Leecon - so you're saying that you're happy to have requested a copy of the quiz (which you knew was "no asking"), spent time doing it and now, because you can't finish it, you might not send it in and hence not pay for it. What a charitable attitude that is!
Why not send it in with some blanks? Presumably because you don't think you'll have any chance of winning? The quiz setter is entitled to set whatever rues she decides. If you don't like them then don't request a copy of the quiz. Perhaps she doesn't like seeing the answers to well over half of the questions being given away on sites like this.
pulse876 - thank you for your reply. I did say that I MAY not be sending off the quiz, so you are wrongly assuming that I do not have a charitable attitude? When I requested the quiz, I did NOT know that it was "no asking" - how could I have known that?
All I was asking was - what is the harm in being able to ask for help (and having the satisfaction of completing the quiz before sending it in.) I have done numerous quizzes and have only ever won once, so I certainly don't do the quizzes for profit or am uncharitable because I feel that I won't win!
A happy Christmas to you too !
Leecon, I know you haven't said you will not send even though your post suggests that you may not but as a quiz setter of my own quizzes it is most annoying when people request quizzes stating when asked that they will definitely send in the fee and you trust their word to find that on closure neither quiz incomplete or otherwise or fee is sent. That is why I started a list of ones who let me down and on future requests the quiz wasn't sent to them and why I only now accept payment upfront via PayPal or post apart from a certain few who I have come to trust and have never let me down.
Please see it from a setter's point of view. A lot of hard work goes into setting quizzes which can be spoiled for others and also affects sales when within days of being sold all the questions and answers are displayed on here when the askers have done little or no research themselves even to the easiest of questions.
Please do not take this personal as hopefully others will read this post and may understand why these requests are made.
The setter has clearly said "There is no obligation to complete and return any copies I send you".
Pulse 876 sticking his nose in and being as helpful as usual.