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Posting Batteries

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Maydup | 00:05 Sat 12th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I've bought the gift, put batteries in it ready to go, wrapped it and parcelled it all up ready for the post office in the morning. sat down with a cup of tea now, thinking.... am I allowed to send a gift through the post with batteries inside?

What's the worse that can happen?



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Probably nothing at all. Unless the package is likely to be X-rayed for overseas posting I doubt no one will discover your heinous crime.Not likely to explode. I really wouldn't lose much sleep over it. There must be thousands of naughty Triple A's winging their way round the UK postal system at the moment.
00:41 Sat 12th Dec 2015
The snail mail takes so long to be delivered that the batteries run flat before the recipient can use the gift ?? :-)
Are the regulations the same for National restrictions?
Batteries - new alkaline, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium (NiCd) Including D, C, 9V, AA, AAA and AAAA alkaline batteries. Must be new and sent unopened in their original retail packaging. Surround with cushioning material e.g. bubble wrap. The sender’s name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.
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I've just read the Royal Mail restrictions on senidng batteries. As far as I can work out, the little AAA ones I have used should be in their original packaging.

As I have put them in the gift they are connected and break the restrictions, but is this actually dangerous. Considering all the wrapping and and parcelling I've done,I think I will just ignore it and post as planned.

Whats the worse that can happen?
I think that the problem is that if old or faulty or badly packaged, they can leak corrosive stuff.
Probably nothing at all. Unless the package is likely to be X-rayed for overseas posting I doubt no one will discover your heinous crime.Not likely to explode. I really wouldn't lose much sleep over it. There must be thousands of naughty Triple A's winging their way round the UK postal system at the moment.
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Good, thanks retrocop!

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Posting Batteries

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