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Maydup | 17:48 Sat 12th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Boxtops or Nibbles?

They haven't seen them around here for a while


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The time before last this was asked, this was Boxy's reply.

//As I told Mamya, we are engrossed in work, family, decorating, life..... not much time for desktopping on AB as before. //

I personally haven't spoken to either recently but others may have.
I have my concerns over boxy, a prolific poster and BA obtainer.
I don't buy that "working on the house" excuse.
Yes, you've said that before.

I guess we either believe what people say or we don't - I don't know her or Nibble well enough to make that call.

As long as both are well.

\\\\\ I don't know her or Nibble well enough to make that call. \\\

Hummmmm! I bet you have her email address and contact her, not on a regular basis, but often enough..

Just my thoughts mind you.
I may well have but no regular or recent contact - I contacted her when you asked about her in August and she gave the above reply.

I feel it unfair to repeat that process again.
^^^^ I understand.
Nope ... but I have spotted Mazie!
Yes, she's back , whoohoo!!
I'm sure the intentions are good but this does make me feel uncomfortable.

It's a fine line to walk isn't it? So often we hear that no one cares and wonders about how people are but when done publicly, does it take on a different tone?

I really don't know the answer - I often wonder 'What happened to?' but then realise that although AB is addictive for me, for some it may lose it's appeal.

I know Maydup's post is done with only good thoughts in mind.
It is interesting who is missed and by whom.

I miss for the tears of laughter she brought to many of her posts.

I do not miss MikMak and Jezza due to their interminable bitterness towards the world at large.

I'm not sure why Mollykins got dropped from my second para....
Eccles........interesting post.

The bottom line is..........after a short period of time, depending upon the popularity or otherwise of the ABer................NOBODY will be missed.
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Sorry, didn't mean to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Always difficult when you miss people on here, to decide whether to mention it or not.

Just wondered.
I certainly don't think you need be sorry - this thread has opened my eyes in one regard though.
Nooo, I didn't mean for you to feel the need to apologise, Maydup.

I often wonder where some people have went!!

Life takes over sometimes dosent it... Xx

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