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Welcome To The AnswerBank News, the home of the latest news headlines and topical debate on The AnswerBank. Discuss UK and worldwide news here.If you'd like to discuss politics that doesn't relate to a specific story or event, head over to our Politics section OR Current Affairs.
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/d enmark- postal- service -to-sto p-deliv ering-l etters- 1332292 2 how long before we do the same? I'll be sad to see pillar boxes go but I think it's innevitable. ...
...French have in our armoury? And how many has Putin?
https:/ /www.re uters.c om/worl d/us/tr ump-pla ns-revo ke-lega l-statu s-ukrai nians-w ho-fled -us-sou rces-sa y-2025- 03-06 how can this cruelty possibly be justified? ...
....Ukraine's ambassador to UK says. https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /cgq9n4 8el43o Are they - and if so, how? ...
Donald Trump has done more damage to the West in six weeks than the Kremlin has done in 70 years.He has supported Russia, declared a trade war with China, tried to demolish NATO, fell out with... ...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/t esla-ch arging- station s-set-o n-fire- as-back lash-ag ainst-e lon-mus k-inten sifies- 1332190 9 On both sides of the... ...
//There will be a four-day celebration of the 80th anniversary of VE Day, including a flypast, concert and a Westminster Abbey service, the government has announced. The commemorations, marking 80... ...
Whats your view, I can't make my mind up.
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /cp3yew 446k5o I think the comparison is correct and I have read Vol 1 of Churchill's "The second world war". ...
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /c0mwln 4p87do "I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job..." Using his limited language skills he let Ukraine know where they stand when it comes... ...
Of course. but the new guidelines issued by the Sentencing Council today might suggest that some will be more equal than others... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c o.uk/ne ws/poli tics/20 22857/C hannel- migrant s-Labou r-asylu m-smugg lers-bo ats When will someone see that we have to repel this invasion? ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c o.uk/ne ws/poli tics/20 22783/1 -millio n-peopl e-cant- speak-e nglish- uk?int_ source= nba ...a relief I thought it was millions. ...
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /c1lpjq g2mp5o But why does it take a world wide shift to trim the welfare budget. If it's always been possible were we being overcharged? ...
The Make America Greedy Again campaign seems to be gathering momentum. https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/v ideos/c 0jg4vgy vx0o ...
Trump is scrambling to get his agenda implemented Asap,because he fears he may not live until the end of his second term in office.Suppose thats a good enough excuse to wreck the world before he goes.
https:/ /www.it v.com/n ews/cal endar/2 025-03- 04/girl -attack ed-with -sword- after-c amping- trip-fa lling-o ut-cour t-told Is it not time to lower the age of criminal responsibility? \\Mr Lamb said the boy... ...
Already we are seeing Ms Raynors planned changes to the definition of Islamaphobia which has the potential of stifling ay debate on this subject now we see MPs' wanting to make possessing photos... ...
https:/ /stream able.co m/6fbsu b ...
https:/ /www.cb c.ca/pl ayer/pl ay/vide o/9.667 0805 Justin Trudeau responds to Trump's tariffs going into effect today. canada did everything they were asked to do by the USA and the tariffs went into... ...