Famous People Cryptic Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Famous People Cryptic Quiz

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Cheerijess | 19:59 Tue 15th Dec 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
1. Prime minister near small water course with salted pork.
2.cricketer is almost out near wood and water.
3.recolour indefinite articles with real life Mr mitchell.
4. Children's snail isn't in this famous family film.
5. Rational before you run away quickly
6. A computer network is very sweet.
7. Convenient type of mint.
8. An agreement is heard by the man mending the lock.
9. Punchs friend is hiding in Switzerland

Thanks in advance :-)
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1 David Beckham
6 A LAN Sugar
9 Judi Den CH
3: Diana Ross
7 (H)andy murray
Usain Bolt. 5
4: Brian Adams
8 Delia Smith
Question Author
Thanks all, I've worked out 2 as well. It's Justin timberlake in case any of you are like me and it'll annoy you!

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