Yes, I agree that in an ideal world the Fluke tester recommended should be in every household toolkit. The problem is that the vast majority of the public will not be prepared to pay this amount for a reliable tester. This would especially apply to those that intend to use it for a one-off application. Regretfully, no amount of cajoling would convince them otherwise. Times are hard.
I'm well aware of the shortcomings of mains tester screwdrivers and I'd agree that putting one's confidence in these things is foolhardly. People have been killed in the past using defective main tester screwdrivers.
To my mind, one of the most useful devices for the non-professional householder is one of these or at least something similar:
They are not overly expensive and are readily tested prior to use by simply running them on a wall where a working mains cable is located. If it doesn't bleep, chuck it.
It's considerably cheaper than a Fluke device and within the budget of most householders.