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Help Needed Please With Words In A Thankyou Card

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fruitsalad | 17:38 Sun 20th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
We are off to a different part of the country for xmas, and as the family members do not have enough room to sleep us all, a friend of theirs, whom we have never met has said we are welcome to stay in one of their propertys, which is empty and we can stay there for free, they wont accept anything, and although I plan on buying a gift for their kindness I am having difficulty knowing how to word a thankyou card, any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Please accept our thanks for your kindness in allowing us to use your very comfortable accommodation. We really do appreciate your kind gesture.
How about a Christmas twist?

'You took us strangers under your roof as there was no room at the Inn, we thank you for this kind gesture'

Happy New Year!
will there be a butler and maid ? lol...thank you for your kindness, we appreciate your generosity of spirit at this time
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Some nice ideas for me to use
what is wrong with

thank you for your kindness .....
cut the mimsy crop and give them a decent bottle of wine
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That goes without saying PP but I will still include a Thank You card
bottles speak louder than words

thankful one bot
v thankful two bots

mimsy I thank yooooou - we hear it all day - empty words
Nothing wrong with words expressed with genuine intent.

You are the 'Queen' of 'Mimsy' PP.
Thank you and a bottle of champagne to bring in the New Year.
Considering that these people are strangers, a thank you card is a decent gesture, not 'mimsy'. You don't even know if they drink!
fruitsalad, you will be able to judge a little better once you have met them. A nice bottle of something would usually go down well. If you can push to buying a bottle of both red and white, you could then give them whichever they prefer and keep the other bottle for New Year.

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Help Needed Please With Words In A Thankyou Card

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