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Why Was This Filthy Animal Not Charged And Convicted ?

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dieseldick | 19:02 Mon 21st Dec 2015 | Law
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If you are talking about Rodger Slides it is because the CPS say there is no evidence to charge him.
Read my post at 19.08 to see what can happen when unsubstantiated allegations about a person being a paedophile get out!

Interesting link, makes no sense at all though to be fair!
It does if you click on the first message.
// Seems like a minor is being groomed by a perv by the looks of it.//

but even if it isnt - mere suspicion or being mistaken completely is enough on AB to charge convict and incinerate innit ? Filthy Beast - is there no one who will put us out of his misery ? ( or something ]

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Why Was This Filthy Animal Not Charged And Convicted ?

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