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Facebook At Its Best

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chrissa1 | 21:07 Sat 15th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Me in England posting that I'm waiting for my daughter to "pop" up. She's in Sydney and I Think she's just woken up.

A friend in America sees my post and "likes" it.

An hour later I post "am giving up and going to bed".

My daughter suddenly "pops" up saying, "I'm here, I'm here".

I post, "she's here, she's here".

My American friend "likes" this too.

America,England and Australia all linked in pleasure and joy.

This is what it Should be like.


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nice to hear a positive story about facebook for once ;)
I use facebook now to keep in touch with people who have been to see Garth in his vegas shows, it;s brilliant, they have all met him and talk about him in such a loving and emotional way, I cry sometimes lol
get a bus together Dotty, putus down for 2 tickets!
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There should be a "nice" FB and a "nasty" FB. Oh, that life was so simple.
I use it for keeping in touch with my friend in Adelaide, it is very useful.
I just look at other people's pics, no way am I baring my life on FB like some of my rellies seem to do.
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That's all I do Pips1, it's good to see pics of families across the world. AND I don't mean pics of drunken nights out with people grinning inanely at the camera during a night out. Yuck.
I have a similar thing about me (in England) my soon to be sister in law (In australia) and her brother (in Malta) all on the same post.
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Nice One Mollykins.
Some people live such exciting lives
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