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A Bit Of Fun For Zacs

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gness | 15:14 Tue 29th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
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G'afternoon gness. :-) Zacs, You mentioned poop deck. Consequently, I can't resist telling the very old story about Admiral Nelson. Cry from Crow's Nest. Four French Frigates on the port bow. Nelson to Hardy....Pass me my red jacket and we'll go up on deck. Hardy to Nelson... Why a jacket on such a fine day. Nelson...If I am injured the red jacket will hide the...
17:22 Tue 29th Dec 2015
And Zacs you can get your costume here if you do not have one...........
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Zacs...the costume and the song..........the mind boggles!....☺
Would,you like to see my horn Pipe?
Afernoon Cap'n......Yous knows why the one eyed chicken crossed the road.....To get to the Birds Eye shop.

Ha! Ha! me hearties.....Hans.
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Very much indeed, zacs....when I've had a drink or two.....☺

Hi, Hans......Been at the crackers?...x
Give me a tinkle and I'll be round with my sailor suit c/w half mast pants.
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Gangplank lowered....☺
The rowlocks of my skiff are being oiled,as we speak.
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Blimey....there's keen.... ;-)
Oh come on. You know how you like to see them glistening in the moonlight as you take me up the poop deck.
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With my luck'll be a cloudy moonless night..... :-(

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♪♫Ha..Sigh....and bumpsadaisy♫♪....x
... and there is nothing at all creepy about a bewhiskered old salt setting sail with a crew composed entirely of children ...

autres temps, autres mœurs
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Give him credit for not having grey bits in his fishy fingers though, Dave..x
No - you're right - he doesn't have any Pollocks in there ...
G'afternoon gness. :-)

Zacs, You mentioned poop deck. Consequently, I can't resist telling the very old story about Admiral Nelson.

Cry from Crow's Nest. Four French Frigates on the port bow.
Nelson to Hardy....Pass me my red jacket and we'll go up on deck.
Hardy to Nelson... Why a jacket on such a fine day.
Nelson...If I am injured the red jacket will hide the fact and I shall continue to give orders without the sailors being aware that I am bleeding.
Further cry from Crow's Nest.....Forty French Frigates on the port bow.
Nelson....Hardy also pass me those brown corduroy trousers.


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v v good Hans

chuckling dave

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