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Happy New Year

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Caran | 01:27 Fri 01st Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
To all the lovely people on CB. Thank you for the fun, help and friendship from you all.


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Happy new year to you to, Caran. keep away from that gness, she's trouble ya know ;-)
Happy New Year, Caran.

I hope that, throughout 2016, every crossword you attempt will be just hard enough to make you struggle but easy enough for you to finish. I further hope that your OH isn't responsible for too many disasters or, if he is, you'll let us all have a good laugh over them!

Happy New Year Caran x
Happy New Year, Caran....thank you for the fun tales.......and......mind that Tonyav now.......he's a little devil......:-)
Happy New year, Caran, love your exploits, you are nearly as bad as Gness xx
Happy New Year Caran - always a night owl on AB like me! xx
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Yes Ann, usually bed about 2.30.
That's early, Caran!

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If I stay up any longer I fall asleep, then this apparition appears in front of me, get to bxxxxy bed woman. So it's not worth it.
Hope everyone has a good 2016.
Happy New Year, 1ozzy!
Happy New Year Everybody!!! Best wishes for 2016.
Happy New Year to all AB friends x

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Happy New Year

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