Quizzes & Puzzles12 mins ago
Flooding Is All The Fault Of Eu Directives And The Greens?
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-33 80694/B ritain- s-flood ing-cri sis-wor se-EU-G reen-Br ussels- bureauc rats-ba nned-ri ver-dre dging-a llows-w ater-dr ain-fas ter-say -farmer s.html
If this is true why did the Environment Agency carry the can for the Somerset Levels flooding last year when lack of dredging was supposed to be the cause.
Did the prime minister conveniently not mention the European Water Framework Directive last year in case the Eurosceptics were supplied with more ammunition to want OUT?
If this is true why did the Environment Agency carry the can for the Somerset Levels flooding last year when lack of dredging was supposed to be the cause.
Did the prime minister conveniently not mention the European Water Framework Directive last year in case the Eurosceptics were supplied with more ammunition to want OUT?
http://notal otofpeoplekn owthat.wordp ress.com/201 5/12/26/what -the-authori ties-wont-te ll-you-about -the-floods/
22:23 Fri 01st Jan 2016
Typical misleading reporting from the Daily Wail, I see.
The European Water Framework Directive obliges governments to ensure that the impact of any structural measures (such as dredging) are assessed and o prohibit any such measures that might, for example, adversely impact the quality of drinking water supplies. (That sounds like a good idea to me. I'd rather that nitrates, from fields alongside river courses, didn't end up in my drinking water!)
However the Daily Wail conveniently forgets to mention the EU Floods Directive 2007, which is European legislation which "requires Member States to assess if all water courses and coast lines are at risk from flooding, to map the flood extent and assets and humans at risk in these areas and to take adequate and coordinated measures to reduce this flood risk".
So EU legislation is actually demanding that governments act to reduce the risk of flooding, rather than preventing them from doing so.
The European Water Framework Directive obliges governments to ensure that the impact of any structural measures (such as dredging) are assessed and o prohibit any such measures that might, for example, adversely impact the quality of drinking water supplies. (That sounds like a good idea to me. I'd rather that nitrates, from fields alongside river courses, didn't end up in my drinking water!)
However the Daily Wail conveniently forgets to mention the EU Floods Directive 2007, which is European legislation which "requires Member States to assess if all water courses and coast lines are at risk from flooding, to map the flood extent and assets and humans at risk in these areas and to take adequate and coordinated measures to reduce this flood risk".
So EU legislation is actually demanding that governments act to reduce the risk of flooding, rather than preventing them from doing so.
An article from FG Insight (the new Farmers Guardian and Arable Farming website)
https:/ /www.fg insight .com/ne ws/gove rnment- must-wa ke-up-t o-impor tance-o f-dredg ing-875 5
Thanks for that link. It would seem that areas are now suddenly prone to flooding since 2000 due to poor land management and regulations dictated to the UK by the EU and the Greens.
My B.I.L had lived,with his family, in Radcliffe up until Boxing day for 18years with the River Irwell just close by.There had never been an instance of flooding in that area when the river was dredged.
He has to find rented accomodation between 3-6 months and store his upstairs furniture. Both family cars a right off.
I know which way he will vote if we actually get a referendum. He hasn't got a kind word about Blair either which is a surprise coming from a Northener.
Thanks for that link. It would seem that areas are now suddenly prone to flooding since 2000 due to poor land management and regulations dictated to the UK by the EU and the Greens.
My B.I.L had lived,with his family, in Radcliffe up until Boxing day for 18years with the River Irwell just close by.There had never been an instance of flooding in that area when the river was dredged.
He has to find rented accomodation between 3-6 months and store his upstairs furniture. Both family cars a right off.
I know which way he will vote if we actually get a referendum. He hasn't got a kind word about Blair either which is a surprise coming from a Northener.
The EU has no business dictating what the UK should and shouldnot do when managing its rivers. Their management only effects people in the UK and it is no business of anybody else what is done here.
Yet another reason to exit this ridiculous corrupt organisation forthwith and before then the UK should simply ignore any rules that spew forth from its bowels (in much the same way as the other 27 nations do).
Yet another reason to exit this ridiculous corrupt organisation forthwith and before then the UK should simply ignore any rules that spew forth from its bowels (in much the same way as the other 27 nations do).
The minute you start the name calling "Daily Wail" your argument its lost.
No, flooding is not the fault of the EU, at least not all. it is however true that the left wing EU is stifling the proper control of flood waters. We need to accept the climate is changing, whatever the cause, and start daeling with it.
Humans rate higher than the lesser spotted toad - or whatever- so we need to build open storm drains and dredge where appropriate.
No, flooding is not the fault of the EU, at least not all. it is however true that the left wing EU is stifling the proper control of flood waters. We need to accept the climate is changing, whatever the cause, and start daeling with it.
Humans rate higher than the lesser spotted toad - or whatever- so we need to build open storm drains and dredge where appropriate.
//Flooding not entirely the fault of the EU?//
here's an example of what YMB means - well meaning legislation interpreted literally by our own dumkopf lawmakers. the result is that farmers are paid money to cut down their trees (or lose their basic payments) - trees that could take the sting out of future floods.
https:/ /www.wo odlandt rust.or g.uk/me diafile /100535 444/Kee p-trees -on-far ms-Engl ish.pdf
here's an example of what YMB means - well meaning legislation interpreted literally by our own dumkopf lawmakers. the result is that farmers are paid money to cut down their trees (or lose their basic payments) - trees that could take the sting out of future floods.
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