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A 'feelgood' American Film From The 1940S...

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sandyRoe | 02:11 Wed 06th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
James Stewart might have been in it. One of the characters, a young women with more money than sense buys the local drunk a case of whiskey and nearly poisons him. Up to then he'd been supplied with a heavily watered down drop.
I got a bottle of Black Bush malt as a Christmas gift and gave it to a local drinker at the weekend and haven't seen him since.
Should I be worried?


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oh dear sandy. I have no suggestions as to what state his health might be but would it have been better to give that bottle to someone you know would appreciate it more by just enjoying an occasional glass rather than someone who is likely to imbibe copious amounts in one go. just a thought.
It's always good to treat oneself to a present.

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A 'feelgood' American Film From The 1940S...

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