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Who In The Tories Would Have Arranged For A Backbencher To Ask During Pms Questions One About...

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sandyRoe | 18:02 Wed 06th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Shakespeare so that Cameron could reel off play title puns?


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Take PMQs as you like it sandy
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It seemed so contrived I'm surprised there wasn't a tempest of protest.
PMQ, Much A Do About Nothing, I would conclude.

I assume it was not as you like it Sandy?
I gather he gave Corbyoldanus a bit of a work over.
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Corbyoldanus was up all night playing the Dane, indecisive and dithering. But he scored points with his mention of areas flooded because of government pusillanimity.
Totally boring and childish In Would of left the chamber for a quick puff of my Hamlet
So who was it?
The Wives of Windsor would not be amused how their government behaves!!

After the Election who said, 'Love Labours Lost?'
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Every man in his (I'll) humour?

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Who In The Tories Would Have Arranged For A Backbencher To Ask During Pms Questions One About...

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