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So Cheryl The Peril Is Getting Divorced Again.

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DTCwordfan | 14:02 Sun 10th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Bet there are a few AB men who would take her in?

The poor gal.....


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^ I just cannot understand that, what possessed her. Even those who like tattoos must think that's OTT?
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lol.....surely no way.....very thorny to get past that.
Why the need to call her Cheryl the Peril?

Are you unaware of her real name?
Who was her first husband?
I remember now...
Ashley Cole I think.

Ashley Cole
that's the surname I always think of for her but I guess she'll go back to Tweedy.
Mr tinkerbell will shes his favourite LOL!!

If only channing tatum would come up for me;0>
I'm distraught.
it must be hard to be a young (ish) woman with 2 failed marriges behind you i guess
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well three months dating - how would anyone know her/his potential partner through and through.....
You would have barely have scratched the surface after 3 months. It works for some though.

I used to work with an old boy who met and married his wife within a few months. They were in their early twenties and when he was telling me they'd married for 40 happy years.

I think living your life in the spot light doesn't help celeb marriages. Plus the work commitments.
Maybe, but if she starts to sing in the shower ... she would be out!
I've heard of having a rosy future but not a rosy behind. Poor woman obviously has issues.
I'm sure that I read somewhere that there were problems with language.

He can only speak French and English so they had trouble communicating.
Oh no! '' there were 3 people in this marriage '' him, her, and the interpreter ??
She appears to have lost an awful lot of weight. Stress from marriage problems maybe?

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