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Red Wine

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Filbert | 19:09 Fri 15th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Had an upopened bottle in the cupboard for 5 years. Do you think it will ok to drink?


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Try again... >>better now than when you bought it
19:21 Fri 15th Jan 2016
It's probably better now than it was when you bought it.

They improve with age.
The only way is to....try it.
A bottle of wine for 5 years!! How?
You weirdo :-)
Five years!!! It's a miracle if it lasts 5 days in my house :-)
Red wine evaporates in my house!
>>probably better now than when you bought it
Try again...

>>better now than when you bought it
This hasn't worked so never mind.
If you don't want to risk it, send it to me.
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I'd forgotten I had it. Having a sort out of kitchen stuff and found it and a bottle of cava too (also 5 years old). Will open the wine tonight. Thanks answerbankers. Cheers
The more you originally paid for it, the better it will be.
And vice versa.
A bottle of red and a bottle of Cava?

How's the hangover this morning?
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Worth it :-)
Red Wine

//Had an upopened bottle in the cupboard for 5 years.//

"I don't believe it." splutter splutter.

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Red Wine

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