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Spacex Falcon Rocket Explodes On Landing After Delivering Satellite To Space

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mikey4444 | 13:53 Mon 18th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Funny...Thunderbirds made it seem so easy !


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at least it got to deliver its payload!

didn't the last one go awry, missed the sea landing platform or something?
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I have been following this on 'Universe Today' a free service that sends you an email every day with the latest 'space science ' news.
It has had a link to the live TV broadcast showing the launch and attempted recovery of Spacex Falcon .

wonky leg - hard to think why that should happen if the other two legs were the same. I suppose ethere must still have been plenty of fuel on board for it to explode.
Perhaps they could design a reusable spaceship that lands like a plane.
They could call it something like the space shuttle.
Here I hope is a video of the rocket landing on the drone ship.
The only thing that went wrong was one of the landing legs failed to lock
^^ You need to scroll down to the actual video, but it works.

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Spacex Falcon Rocket Explodes On Landing After Delivering Satellite To Space

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