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Widows And Orphans, Pensioners, People With Savings, The Prudent.

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sandyRoe | 09:16 Wed 20th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Are the continuing low interest rates a way of making these groups help pay for the excesses of the bankers some years ago?


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Nobody interested in bashing the merchant bankers this morning?
I'm not sure it was intentional but it seems to work out that way. Low interest rates are good for buyers and bad for savers, and Britain is now a consumer society, not a land of prudent savers. Viva el Barclaycard.
My OH is a saver. He swears when he gets his statements....
Yep, I'm a saver. I also swear when I get my bank statements. It's ridiculous.I hope we're not paying for the excesses of the bankers, but it looks like we are.
"Stealing" from savers by not paying a decent return for the loan of the money, in order to stimulate the economy by "giving away" free finance to companies, is a common enough trick, er I mean tactic; banker excesses or no banker excesses.

BTW did I miss where they did the second half of this quantitative easing counterfeiting trick and pulled the created money back out of the economy, so our savings returned to the correct value ? I guess I must have.
We are like cows and sheep. Being regularly milked, and fleeced. baa.

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