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Good News For Us Beardies :-)

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RATTER15 | 10:51 Thu 21st Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

However, I have a stinking cold at the moment.


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So...have I got this right, Ratter?........Next time I'm ill I don't go to the doctor......I snog you instead!?......☺
i also have a beard if that's any help gness

Ha Ha!

///The researchers were surprised to find that it was the clean-shaven staff, and not the beardies, who were more likely to be carrying something unpleasant on their faces.///
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You got it Gness!! :-)
Ooooo.....all these beardies.....could make having the sniffles fun.....☺
doris has a moustache ...
## However, I have a stinking cold at the moment. ##

Poor you, well at least you have a beard to wipe your snot on!
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trt, my moustache soaks it up as it drips.

So that's what those beads are?
Hmmmm....smooching a beardie is looking less inviting..... :-(

Can't remember the last time i had a cold ;o)
Never a fan of beards, until Prince Harry grew one !!

Ugh, it's ^^^ Ginger!!!!!!!!
Don't care !

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Good News For Us Beardies :-)

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