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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:11 Tue 26th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
Tuesday. Still too cloudy to see the planet line up. :o{

The wind has been blowing well all night, and it looks like it's having so much fun it's going to stay for some time. Oh well, soon be summer. The last week of January. Tempus fugit.

Have a happy day everyone.


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no real news from here. taking OH to penzance on Thursday. hope the hossie can help this time.

main thoughts are with the mcmafia.
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Best of luck to himself LJ.

Mine too are north of the border.
gout still there Lady ? know how painful that can be had it on his knees ! a side effect of all his meds the doc said...
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Gout ain't at all pleasent. Certainly not a joking subject!
no not gout. he wouldn't like me to tell you but it is something that has been going on for some time. various treatments tried but no luck so far.
hopefully this time then !
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I hope it works this time for him LJ.
all sorts of test have been done and no success. I only go along to give morale support. yes I can be thoughtful. I know that is difficult to believe but I can . . . . . . I think.
time to run roon the shower and preen my pink feathers...see you all later xx
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I'm sure it will be a happy event minty, just as nungate wants.

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LJ have no doubt that you are thoughtful. I've got a mug beside to prove it. ;o}
bye minty. hope all goes well. x

as the calls to the docs and hossies get more and more infrequent I suspect they don't really know and are gradually giving up. probably finding some more interesting and more easy to solve.
before I get frozen out again bye all. xx feeling sombre today.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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