I think at this stage you wait and see
I found it just a little confusing and tjhe time line a bit wonky and it may be worth yous itting down and writing out a bare skeleton
it would be useful if you need to use it later
///You may need to prove to them the fraudulent activity. They probably get people trying to con them, I is very easy to say, so will not nessissarily believe you. ///
um I pulled my original answer as it seemed pretty trite BUT
NO - THEY to show you contracted with them to enforce any debt and you do NOT have to disprove any statements from them . Basic Rnglish Law. So the basic requitement is they have to prove their case ( you have a contract you have broken ) and NOT you have to disprove their bare statement by proving a converse
You may once you have got the time line short and clear and sweet
write to them repudiating the contract
include the interesting bits from the bank copies and not originals (!)
and presumably it has been reported to the police
I did this with littlewoods - look I just havent ordered this stuff -
and they were very good and said oops you have three more accounts !
sozza we really should have picked that one up
I think it would be nice to tell Teeth WHite that you have been the victime of fraud ....