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Predictive Text

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coffeeboy | 19:37 Wed 10th Feb 2016 | Jokes
11 Answers
The man who invented predictive text died yesterday.
His Funfair is next Monkey.


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Should be a nice serviette at the chuckwagon ;)
Is he being bunched or creamed?
Restaurant in peas.
Now that kind of joke tickles me no end.

One of the ladies on my parchment forum texted me to ask if I was going to Surrogate.
I texted the gag to a mate and he texted back, Guttered.
He left a small fortress in his Willy.
Why does anyone with the slightest degree of literacy use predictive text? It can't save time, surely! More trouble than it's worth.
I hate it, especially on my Kindle. I am always backtracking and a few members must have noticed I've got their names wrong!!!! Lol.
Spellcheck on AB won't let me write wellies. It keeps typing willies, lol!
Not much difference.

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Predictive Text

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