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cracker222 | 21:11 Sat 13th Feb 2016 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Much harder than the usual Mail (for me anyway) but TAB's previous posts helped where needed. Still two I don't understand:
6d Getting on jumper first keeps spleen at about 20ºC (4,11) It's ROOM TEMPERATURE, but why?
24a Sort of a crass comment essentially (7) It's SARCASM, but where does the M come from?


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Getting on - mature Jumper - Roo Spleen - Temper
21:16 Sat 13th Feb 2016
24 Essentially = middle letter of 'comMent'
Getting on - mature
Jumper - Roo
Spleen - Temper
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Grat help from you both - thanks. I learnt a lot from those.
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I've tried 4 online dictionaries but cannot find essentially meaning central - although I have a vague inkling in my head of something like that usage. Must be a crosswordy thing

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