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Cryptic Plants

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huggles | 23:32 Sun 21st Feb 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
17 Answers
1. This herb cannot stop (5)

2. Keep me in min (6/2/3

3. What a wise man (4)

4. Golf score cut (7)

5. Hunted, cover hand (8)

Many thanks


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4. par/snip
3 Sage
1. Thyme ?
5 Foxglove
1. thyme
2 Forget-me-not
ignore, not a plant
3 Sage
5 Foxglove
That looks right, Sam?
Question Author
You are all brilliant. Thank you. How about vehicle with country (9)

Senior moment there jo .... lol
Hope this finds you well :o))
Lol. Yes, thank you Sam. How are you? x
I'm fine thanks jo, almost ready to call it a night ....
Hope this finds you well ;o) xx
1) Thyme.
4) parsnip.

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Cryptic Plants

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