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DAB signal waning

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Dizmal | 01:56 Sat 20th May 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
I've had a DAB radio for over a year and am beginning to lose stations. First Oneword disappeared and now BBC7 has gone. I've tried various positions for the radio, including outside. I've even connected an FM aerial to the radio, to no avail. Why? All I can guess at is that spring is here and the leaves are blocking the signal. Any thoughts?


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I'm in Manchester area and have just checked - both stations coming through fine on Pure - Evoke-2xt. Radio in kitchen only using supplied aerial.

Did have problems with a Sharp DAB radio remembering stations - tried all sorts - rebooting without batteries / only mains etc - different rooms. Threw it in bin!

Both Pure's have worked without any problems.

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Thanks for the thoughts - it does seem as if the radios themselves vary a lot, but mine's a Roberts, should be good(?). What about the leaves theory, could that affect reception? Or do the radios deteriorate over the years. AM radios don't , I'm still using one that I listened to Radio Caroline on!

Certainly the first Pure we bought hasn't deteriorated had it for a few years now. Would also expect a Roberts to be a good one.

Can't see that leaves would be blocking signal if the house doesn't (?)

I'll see if I can find a DAB forum site somewhere.

Have a look here - especially at the coverage section - it might just be that you are in a weak area for those stations and they have powered down or something. (Something being the technical term .... !!)

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Thankyou all for the thoughts and particularly websites. I have spent hours trawling through them and I now wonder why I've got a DAB radio after all!

(The answer seems to be that Britain is using old technology for its digital broadcasts and trying to squeeze too many stations into the available space).

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DAB signal waning

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