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Dropped Kerb

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malagabob | 13:30 Sun 28th Feb 2016 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Have had a notice off council that I need to have a dropped kerb placed outside my house. The price quoted by them is I think extortionate. Is it legal to hire a private contractor chosen by me to do the work.


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No, it's not your property.
Have they told you that you need one because you are driving up and over the kerb to park your car at the front of your house?
You need to contact your local Council to find out, or it may be on their website. Some Councils do allow private contractors to do the work but they lay down very stringent criteria. There will also still be fees to the Council.
Councils tend to have lists of approved contractors, Bob. They may well allow you to deal directly with one of them, thus cutting out "the middle man".

It all depends on their policy. You'll have to ask them, I'm afraid.

It will depend on where you are, but often it's "County Council (Highways.)"
Is it not strange that sometimes in order to elicit our support we only get half a story . I suspect the true statement to be '' Have had a notice off council that I need to have a dropped kerb placed outside my house. Because I am driving over the kerb & driving across the pavement to get onto my house frontage drive''

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Dropped Kerb

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