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The Dentist Is Calling Me Today

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Ric.ror | 07:41 Mon 29th Feb 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I made the precious babe say goodbye to the offending tooth - just in case I come back without it
It seems I've reached the age where things start dropping off or need replacing
Shame it does not include body fat


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07:50 Mon 29th Feb 2016
What is he calling you?
tee hee....xx
That's a strange name.
What does (s)he call the precious babe ?
I'm sure we've all heard the joke about the chap in the treatment chair who reaches over an takes the dentist's testes in his hand.
'We're not going to hurt each other, are we?', he asks.
hellooooo Sqad xx
Sandy..I have been known to thump a dentist !!
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He will be calling me 'gummy' if this continues

I meant calling me in a siren sense


try again !
you are very very good boy for going to the dentist and getting your teeth fixed.
Gold star for the frig - you may have to buy one yourself
have a presentation only you and the dog and a stiff presentation G + T after ward of course

50% of the pop dont apparentlyu
Can't believe I had 'Best Answer' but thank you!

Another dental joke is:

When faced with having to give a local anaesthetic to a very anxious patient, the dentist tries to reassure him by saying....

"Don't worry Sir, it's just a little p**ck with a needle"

Patient says "I know, but what are you going to do with it?"
whilst we are "at it "

I only said once to patient ( 1978 ) " now here is alittle prick "
and my supervising senior registrar said [- yes we were supervised on those days - ]
Dr P how dare you refer to a senior doctor in such insulting terms !

ter daaah !
we could say that being a gummy has its advantages....that's what appealed to Bill C about Monica.
DTC we can guarantee that you will Loooooower the tone of the discussion to the eexpectedd lavatorial levels....
thank you, Peter, a compliment indeed....
Hope all goes/went well Ric - they are a pain from start to finish.
and so do I, thank goodness for Sqad tabbies...
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I'm actually a very good girl for getting my teeth fixed - and - try though he might (and he really did try hard) the tooth came out.
Not sure I understand the rest of Peter P's post but there you go takes all sorts I guess to make a perfect world

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