They'll do well if they can conquer a virus Patsy - one day viruses will run the world.
Although this particular one has been known of for decades and obviously existed much longer it seems to be mutating , in a normally fit and healthy person the effects have usually been quite mild but now there seems a change.
O Zika virus is a mosquito borne virus - arthropod borne is shortened to arbo-virus - so if ya dont have Aedes Egypti then you dont have transmission ! so we dont in Manchester as it is so damned wet and cold
xc by sex which explains the worry
It has been around in Uganda for apound fifty years
I think it has a sylvan cycle - think silva woods - and the usual host is some sort of monkey. Rarer than the rare as rocking horse shot monkey viruses such Marburg disease or Lassa fever. Two cases of zika described in Uganda over the last decades
and then - there were a hundred to a thousand small headed babies along with the spread of Zika in Brazil - this doesnt show one causes the other by the way
eeka - Zika ! Not the disease to get if you are pregnant
and they are predicting a million or two cases of zika infection in Sarth America
odd very odd considering at home base - Uganda there have been almost zero.....
I have to say that if I were a sportman or sportswoman - I would give Rio games later this year or the olympics a miss to be honest
they have missed out the bits in my post which I would regard as pathology lecturey - well I did work at Porton Down and arboviruses were high on the list - and dwell on other arbovirus diseases as dengue ( deng-ghee where the ghee is the same word as Indian butter and not the jee in jeep ) and Chikungunya and yellow fever
I think it is true-bill
that is there are a million cases in Brazil and it causes babies brains to shrink
Not to get all conspitatorial but, could this be to keep us amused for a while till the real culprit is made public but has their ducks in a row regarding compensation and abject apologies?
Having seen the news report I am wondering how they know it was sexually transmitted. When one reads reports of spiders being found in crates of bananas, why couldn't a mosquito survive being accidently packed in luggage ?
If you get an illness so mild you don't know you are ill, then a few months later give birth to a deformed baby, how do you make a connection ? If thousands of other mothers give birth to deformed babies, it takes a while to realise there may be a connection with an almost negligible infection.
Remember thalidomide ? It took a while to make that connection, too.
This started with there being over 4000 cases of microcephaly being claimed in Brazil, researchers went back in to check this and now confirm 404 cases of encephaly (''like'') verified and 17 have a relation to the zika virus. Every year in the US there are 25,000 cases of microcephaly.
The World Health Association admits that it cannot demonstrate a connection between microcephaly and the zika virus, but based on suspicion feels it must take action.