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Man Swims With Crocodiles, Is He A Tad Touched?

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piggynose | 19:18 Thu 10th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
hope it works, not very good with links usually


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I think he will end up as a tad eaten very shortly !
Question Author
did you watch this vid, mikey, its was quite interesting, the bond between man+croc, he nursed it back to health after it was shot and has been friends with it for more than 20 yrs.
Watched first 15 mins amazing so far, can't wait to watch rest later when I have more time
Cheers for posting this
This video was posted yesterday and was moving.

Yes he is barmy. I like the bit where he had to choose between his (first wife) and the crocodile, and he concluded he can easily get a new wife :-)
A bullet in the head is quite likely to change the crocs natural behaviour, that and years of showing the croc affection would surely have an effect.

Either way, rather him than me!
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i liked it, but try telling the relatives of those 1000 or so people who are eaten by crocs in oz that
Question Author
every year, more or less
Not sure where you are getting your info from piggynose, but it is wayout wrong.

// Since 1971, Australia has witnessed 99 attacks on people by saltwater crocodiles, of which 27% were fatal. On average that’s around 2.3 attacks per year over four decades, of which 0.6 were fatal. That’s pretty good going for a country with the highest river densities of saltwater crocodiles in the world. //
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i'm not quibbling over numbers, 1000 or 99, its still far too many victims. would these blokes from costa rica stop this? or at least reduce the incidents
Bonkers !

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