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Is This Year...weird?

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sp1814 | 15:30 Thu 17th Mar 2016 | News
31 Answers
Okay...I don't want to sound flippant - but does anyone else think that there's an usually high number of favour people dying this year?

It's got to a point that when I log into my favourite news papers in the morning, I'm almost expecting to read about another celebrity death.

Is it just my impression, or do others feel the same?


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I think what is happening here is that we seeing the zenith of that famous "baby-boomer" generation, who are running out of steam a bit.

Expect some more in the near future sp1814 !
Yes, we don't go on forever although Kirk Douglas is trying.

We still have plenty batting on, Bruce Forsyth, Ronnie Corbett and many more octogenarians +.
I don't understand it, you'd think it's the last thing they would do.
The year certainly looked weird until a superb surgeon removed a tumour which was out to get my optic nerve.
I agree that is it out of the ordinary so far. Possibly because there was such a bursting out of talent in the sixties.
seadog....are you making a good recovery from your surgery ?
Will there be any real celebrities in the future, one hit wonders, but surely no proper celebrities?
AOG > Will there be any real celebrities in the future, one hit wonders, but surely no proper celebrities?

The thing is we keep seeing the same presenters recycled for all sorts of tv.

Ant and Dec, Philip Schofield,etc

I don't see any longevity either whether it be comedians, entertainers, magicians.....
Maybe it's just that as we get older we become familiar with more famous people and are therefore more aware of the deaths of famous people. When I was 20 I'm sure quite a few famous people died but apart from Marc Bolan I'd struggle to name one
As my bil used to say '' There are people dying now who've never died before & there aren't many of us left ''

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