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photosynthesis - is that spelt correctly

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madham | 23:08 Wed 17th May 2006 | Science
8 Answers

Does grass go through the process and is it a plant? If it is.... Could everyone not just grow their grass and therefore reduce CO2 levels?

This thought just popped in my head.



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Photosynthesis is part of the carbon cycle. The point is though, it is a cycle. The carbon is locked up for just a short time before being released again. Each blade of grass contains carbon compounds that were formed from the CO2 in the atmosphere but the carbon in that blade of grass will be returned to atmospheric CO2 either through respiration of an animal that eats the blade, or through decay / decomposition after the blade of grass dies.

To remove the CO2 from the air, the grass must be prevented from decaying so it is locked up for a geological period of time. To my knowledge, this only happens in bogs where the carbon is preserved as peat. Unfortunately, we are digging up peat and either burning it or exposing it to air in garden soil where it releases its carbon back to the air as CO2.

The result is that no carbon gets locked away by letting your grass grow long.

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Thanks for that answer gen2, I shall continue to cut my lawn then, without guilt.

As I see more and more reports of global warming I feel I have to do my bit.

If cutting the grass involves pulling a cord or flipping a switch then let it grow one more day and enjoy a carbonated beverage instead, guilt free!

I think too much credit is given to trees and plants for removing carbon. On the vast majority of cases that carbon is reurned to the air, and if it's returned as methane from rotting vegetation it's 20 times worse than carbon dioxide.

The real CO2 "hoover" is the oceans but I have to admit a 200 year old oak is a lot prettier than plankton

98% of carbon at any one time is in the long carbon cycle. Mankind can effect the other 2%.

Take no notice of the eco dummies mankind has nothing to do with the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Planet earth regulate itself very well. For example Krakatoa put more carbon into the atmosphere in one go that mankind has so far managed. Earth takes it all in it's stride.

I find this tough to accept... All studies that look at the CO2 levels in the atmosphere show a steady rise that started at the same time as the industrial revolution.

Ice cores from the arctic show that CO2 levels thousands of years ago were much lower.

Don't worry, Geo1000, regardless of the amount of evidence, Loosehead won't accept the reality of climate change because his paranoia tells him that it's a conspicary of "leftys" or "eco-dummies" or whoever.
It's a mix of political hatred and paranoia, it's got nothing to do with science.

And what he just wrote about Krakatoa is complete nonsense. See

Global Warming doesnt exist. The climate changes all the time.

In the 19th century the Thames used to freeze over!!!!

If there was a layer of CO2 building up then surely it would block as much heat getting in as it does getting out!!!!!

Dont let them fool you into feeling guilty, the part the dont show you is that it is the Global Warming THEORY.

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photosynthesis - is that spelt correctly

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