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Is 'predestined' The Right Word?

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sandyRoe | 10:01 Fri 25th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
A thread about Judas prompted this question. If people get caught up in momentous event and do things that they wouldn't have done in peaceful times could their behaviour be said to be predestined?


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Why would this particular scenario be 'predestined' ? You might as well say all actions are predestined. I don't follow your reasoning.
It sounds tautological to me. Are you asking about the use of the word itself or the idea of free will versus destiny?
If you're talking about the word, I'd say "destined" not, "predestined". Sorry if I've misunderstood.
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I was thinking of people like Karadzic. If the Soviet's evil empire hadn't collapsed and Yugoslavia broke up he might have been a middle rank functionary and little more than a footnote in history. Instead today he's experiencing the start of a 40 year prison sentence for war crimes

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Is 'predestined' The Right Word?

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