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Hailstorm !

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mikey4444 | 11:56 Sun 27th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Tremendous hailstorm going on down here....5 mins after some brilliant sunshine......the grass looks as if it has been snowing !

Weird !


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Same here Mikey. Finished about half an hour ago! The heavens had well and truly opened.
Must have been a biggie, because Stockton got battered by it as well. There was a little pile beside the gate when I got home - looked more like drifting snow! Had the odd rumble of thunder as well.
We had the same in Manchester earlier this afternoon, quite spectacular and accompanied by thunder and lightening.
Same here too. Big clap of thunder then the frozen polystyrene.
No hail here in Mid Wales, a couple of heavy showers though, I been working in the garden in my T shirt most of the day.
We've had lovely, sunny weather here, on the eastern side of Leeds. Had to close the curtains for a while, the sun was so bright.
Beautiful sunshine here all day in East Mids - just one teeny shower mid afternoon - a lovely Easter Day and the spring flowers look so pretty in the sunshine. A lovely Easter morning service at church too ......
All the seasons in one day here, typical springtime.
"We've had lovely, sunny weather here, on the eastern side of Leeds. Had to close the curtains for a while, the sun was so bright."

It wouldn't Hail and Thunder on God's own Country though, would it? It's always sunny!
Another heavy shower of hail on now.
Stephen, we get the weather as and when we ask for it! We do have a bit of pull with the weather god!

N/Kent, very windy with brill. sunshine, just had a walk along the front an hour or so back and it's blooming cold.

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Hailstorm !

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