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I agree with her. I also fear for her.
Bravo Nadine. But they won't take heed will they?
Good for her, but I agree with ladybirder, they won't take heed.
Unfortunately she will be on some fanatics hit list now.
We've heard the question but I'm guessing we'll wait a long time for the answer - at least from some quarters.
Can you not even offer some admiration for the question Naomi?
I would have thought that goes without saying, but if you want me to say it I am full of admiration for this lady.
I'm glad to hear that :)
What a courageous lady. She is right in every aspect but unfortunately, it has already been said...... nothing will change Islam.
Written by a woman which means nothing will happen, very brave of her to write it.
I was right. We are waiting a long time for answers from some quarters.
"We are waiting a long time for answers from some quarters.".

And will wait longer. Ms. Al-Budair's criticism of traditional Islam as supremacist and intolerant has been expressed by several of us on AB, The normal response from "some quarters" is the recitation of a pious platitude or two from the PC catechism followed by a ritual denunciation of Islam's critics, none of whom are ever accorded the courtesy that their conclusions may be based on honest analysis of the evidence as they see it.

It isn't obvious that "some quarters" have a great deal of intellectual curiosity or natural courage, so I don't think they'll want to use the same tactics on Al-Budair.

Here is an article about her:

I particularly like these two paragraphs:

'Needless to say the political left around the world will – as usual – ignore all Muslims like Nadine who want to live in the 21st Century. The Democratic Party here in the U.S. won’t invite her to the White House, and the emotional cripples on our college campuses will find her “problematic” and won’t let her speak. She’ll be dismissed as “a Western Triumphalist” and will be accused of “internalizing Western oppression.”
To the left ONLY Muslims who take offense at drawings of Muhammad, ONLY Muslims who want to live in the past and who hate the West matter. You’ll notice the left won’t even present public debates between Muslims who prefer the modern world and Muslims who prefer to live in the 7th Century. Doing so would prevent them from trying to make make people think that hate-filled Muslim versions of Al Sharpton represent how all Muslims feel.'
How utterly depressing v_e and even more so because we are not surprised.
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Such a brave eloquent muslim woman,daring to challenge the reaches of her religion in all our lives today. Nothing will come of this brave act though,unless like Malala, she manages to survive a death attempt. Cold hard facts. Nadine Al Budair is one brave woman.
she could havce concluded her article with the words of michael collins, having concluded the anglo-irish treaty:-

"I tell you this - early this morning, I have signed my death warrant".
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