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sandyRoe | 08:39 Mon 11th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
If, as is said, cannabis can cause serious mental health problems how long will be before the psychiatric hospitals there, where this drug is now legal, will be packed with its victims?


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This article may light up (sorry) the marijuana issue in Colorado and neighboring States...
Shot Clanad "Rocky Mountain High". Haha.
higher burn temp leading to lung damage
clearly not here

but they dont say - smoke it its OK
There is no need to smoke it at all, it can be drunk as an infusion like tea or as an ingredient in food (eg. hash cookies)

PP Paracelcus wasn't talking about building up an immunity, he was saying there is no such thing as poison, only inappropriate quantities. Think digitalis - or in fact anything, even rhubarb will kill you if you eat enough of it.

The problem with marijuana is we have no guidelines for what is a 'safe' dosage
unlike alcohol where we are given some sort of standards (whether we stick to them is up to the individual).
It comes in all sorts of strengths and forms, from "grass" to hashish blocks of varying concentrations.
Khandro, another consideration is that the THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol content of the illegal cannabis sold by 'dealers' is not consistent. In fact I am told that the content of THC in what is now commonly called skunk can be as much as 10 times as high as was in the weed that was peddled in the 60s and 70s. The resin block that was once the main source of supply is now virtually unavailable. This stuff was commonly heated with a naked flame, which did burn of some of the harmful compounds, before being rolled and smoked.

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