TTT - //what is happening with our judges:
"The judge said the alcohol Ms Wrightson had consumed on 8 December 2014, "may have numbed pain, but it won't have taken it away entirely"."
so that's alright then, lets all get rat ar5ed before being tortured so we can save our torturers some time in Jail. 15 years minimum, PMSL, throw the kin Key away and put this useless judge in the same kin cell, makes my blood boil.
...and we sre still not allowed to know the names of this sub human slime....
beggars belief. //
You are a frequent and vocal supporter of the removal on anonymity in cases of violence and / or murder - can I ask why you think releasing the names of the guilty party would make anything more acceptable in the form of the justice and sentence provided in this case, and others we have debated many times here oin the AB?\
The judge has given a detailed account of why he believes that removing anonymity would be counter-productive - I am intersted in what your argument would be in terms of the positive aspects of publicising the idtenties involved.