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Out With The Hounds For Their Morning Constitutional When I Bumped Into A Brass Monkey Looking For A Welder

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RATTER15 | 08:01 Sun 17th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Pretty damned cold out there and very white and frosty. I thought that was behind us now!

However the sky is bright and very clear so should be a lovely day in mid Wales! :-)


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lol...bit nippy here too !
It looks like the brass monkey dropped a clanger ratter.
Crisp but not cold. Ive just shoved the cats & dogs out to help feed the beasts & hopefully catch me a rabbit; oh for a rabbit stew.
It is very cold out there, on a plus side it makes the ground hard to walk on and not so soggy - and the poops are easy to find when the hounds run ahead of you!!
brass monkey - hey - that ...... rings a bell.

hope your other matters have gone away and your are settling into the new job ratter ....

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