Hi - my 16 year old has an interview for a weekend job in a new grill bar. There are three(!) people interviewing him. I'm sure the question "why do you want this job?" will come up. What's the best reply when he's just a normal kid needing spending money, it's not a career move or anything. Any suggestions would be much appreciated - thanks!
He needs to tell them he thinks their firm will give him the opportunity to learn the basic skills needed for any work place, like self discipline, team work, flexibility, all of which he hopes will make him a valued member of their establishment,
Three people interviewing him sounds a bit excessive. Nevertheless I would advise him not to get too carried away with the answer. It's weekend Job in a burger joint, so be honest. It's an opportunity to learn a skill which may help in later life. At his age (well at any age really) any experience is a useful experience, so he's trying out various things to see what works for him. short order cook, pot washer or service... at least he'll discover what he doesn't like!
I agree - three is excessive but I guess because it's a brand new complex, they'll be interviewing all day, hopefully they'll go easy on him because of his age (bless!).
Those answers were very helpful so thanks to you both.