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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:20 Wed 20th Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
87 Answers
Wednesday. The sky is clear. It's going to be a beautiful sunrise, the sooner the better .coz it's a bit nippy!

Yesterday turned out lovely. I had to do some watering, the plants were trying to turn the tap on.

I should be able to get something done outside.

Tiggy didn't stay out too long.

Have a happy day everyone.



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not a great scene of domesticity !
not a great scene of domesticity Tambo !!
Going to do the Tour de North Ronaldsey. Should be fun, I haven't been on a bike for over 20yrs:-)
morning melv..good luck !
Thanks, mm. Sorry about the delay, the tinter is very slow in the Orknies.
you an islander MELV ?? Gosh you must be hardy..i am a walter softy lowlander !! in Edinburgh area
I'm on holiday, mm. But I'm a tough Yorkshireman...will I be saying that after the bike ride?:-)
take a BIG pot of vaseline !!!..and good pants !! lol
time to get on..see you all later xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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