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My Ex Boyfriend Called To Tell Me He's Moving

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sam100 | 11:06 Sun 10th Apr 2016 | Relationships & Dating
11 Answers
Had a call out of the blue today from my ex boyfriend (we split Feb) to tell me he's moving away.

This is the same boyfriend who met someone else within two weeks of us split (which I think is now over(

Just wanted to get some other opinions to seeing you think this is all rubbish and he just wanted to speak to me?


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Time will tell ....
If he really is moving, you'll find out soon enough ....
If it was just an excuse to talk to you, he'll no doubt call you again ....
Either way, you'll find out soon enough :)
Personally, I think he wants you to say, Why are you leaving, Oh please don't go!
He's playing mind games.
Let it go in one ear and out of the other!
no idea and why does it matter? Its over between you so move on.
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Thanks all. It was very confusing as he told me he was ringing out of 'curtesy' to let me know. Wasn't that courteous two weeks ago when he turned up in a place where he knew I'd be with his new partner...
and while you are thinking about it and talking about it, he still owns a piece of you :( honestly let it go, move on.
Do you really care? If that had been me, I would have said "have a happy life"
And hung up!!
Ignore, delete and get on with whatever you were doing.
Well i think your ex' just testing you if you're over him or no, but irregardless of that maybe he just wanted someone to take off the steam and maybe he thinks your pretty much available. So don't even think about going out or even talking to him
Some men have a big ego...he probably wants to think two women are after him. Move on

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