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Conspiracy Theory

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albaqwerty | 15:26 Fri 22nd Apr 2016 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Yep, another one (I do love them, some are so weird)

Heard on radio at 4.30 am, presenter talking to journalist who said he had overhead 2 guys in a pub. (As you do) One guy saying to the other that the internet goes down for 5 minutes in the area where Air Force One is due to land at an airport.

Now, we couldn't access any websites yesterday at 10 AM for a few minutes, but am quite sure Barack wasn't anywhere near us lol


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Hi Alba, nice to see you back posting. (I thought you'd snuffed it, ;-))
Don't know why they'd shut the internet down. Wouldn't be surprised if some signals are jammed, though.
As you know there are two air force 1's .

When the president is due to go somewhere , they go through the motions of preparing both jets .

Only those that need to know , are aware which jet he ( and soon to be she ) will be using
He's coming your way for a wee snifter or three of your national hooch, albs....

I would have raced over here to notify you if she had snuffed it. Alba RIP doesn't sound too exciting though.

How did Michele come over - in Spare 1?

So the bad guys have to shoot down two planes - it isn't much extra security.

well she was alive and kicking when I last saw her, svejk......
Bring back the 'green lady'. I liked her. Was it you?
" Two 1's" is what my grandson used to call 11.
i think the idea is security on way to the location - the least you know beforehand which plane is to be used , the less chance you have on planning an 'ambush'

Though , i suppose you could always plan an ambush along both
routes ( assuming you know before hand what the routes are ) .

Anyway , there was a programme about it on one of those documentary channels . It is very interesting .
Bazile, not even the pilots and crew know until the last second which of the two 'Air-Force Ones' the President will use. As you said both aircraft are got ready for each flight.
It is also common knowledge that Air Force One has anti-aircraft missiles on board able to take down any known aircraft in the world against any defense system!

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don't the helicopters have a different title?

I noticed 2 of them landed at Windsor, lawdy, they be big brutes

Snuffed it Sweaty? gee, thanks lol xxx
Aren't they Marine 1 etc?
It goes down to signal where he is and thus where to strike.

You were lucky not to have a nuke or guided missile at 10 am !
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aah, thanks Prudie xx

love AB, there's always someone who can come to the rescue :-D
very comforting to see your normal avatar back x
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OG, now that's a thought, did internet go down for 5 mins from north to south of GB til he landed at wherever ?

If anyone wants to hit Faslane, I'll say farewell now lol
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shucks Prudie, I'd blush but red and green are a bit strange together :D xx thank you xx

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