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A Long Shelf Life..

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Patsy33 | 12:45 Tue 26th Apr 2016 | Jokes
12 Answers
Man goes into library looking for a particular book. The Librarian says, "Can I help you sir?" "Yes", he replied, "I'm looking for 'A Lonely Spinster', by Willie Joiner" "Ah you're in luck sir, there's plenty left on the shelf"......


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A man walks into a library and asks for a book on pantomimes.
The librarian says; "It's behind you!"
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...and did he say, "Oh no it isn't!".......
A librarian was working late one night at a small-town library. She had the door open for a breeze, and a chicken walked in, hopped up on the desk, and said, "Book, book, book!"
The librarian was a bit startled, but she quickly handed the chicken three books. The chicken put one under each wing, one in its beak, and walked out.
A few minutes later, the chicken returned, dropped those three books on the floor, hopped up on the counter, and said, "Book, book, book!"
Once again, the librarian gave the chicken three books, the chicken tucked one under each wing, took the third in its beak, and walked out.
It must be a full moon tonight, thought the librarian, getting back to her work. Of course, since everything in jokes comes in threes, the chicken came back. It dropped the books on the floor, hopped up, and said, "Book, book, book!"
This time, the librarian decided to get to the bottom of this. She gave three books to the chicken, and when it walked away, she followed it. They went across the parking lot, down into a ditch, and through a damp culvert. Good thing I wore my sensible shoes, she thought. They emerged into a little moonlit pool. There, the chicken stopped in front of the largest bullfrog the librarian had ever seen. He took one look at the books the chicken was carrying and croaked, "Read it, read it, read it!"
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I went to my local library today and asked the Librarian if she had the book 'Handling Rejection Without Killing'........
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A man walks into a library and asks for a book on the Australian wilderness.

The librarian says, "I'll get it for you, its Outback"
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Talking of books, my father bought me a cheap dictionary for my birthday. I couldn't find the words to thank him...
The librarian slipped and fell on the library floor, she was in the non friction section.
My library decided to put the books on sex behind the counter to stop the kids sniggering at them. So they put up a sign on the shelf where the books should be '' Please ask Librarian for Sex''
Asked for a book about "Suicide",Librarian said no "You won't bring it back".
Man went into the Library asked for a book on women's bicycles didn't show the Librarian note from his wife, books on the female cycle!!
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I read the dictionary the other day. The Zebra did it......

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A Long Shelf Life..

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