As a general rule, never reply to a spam email or send a "remove from mailing list" request to an email from somewhere you don't know or aren't sure about. This only confirms to a spammer that your address is valid, and you'll probably get even more spam
•If you know the sender - if it's a utility company or major retailer for example - you can safely use any "unsubscribe" option at the bottom of the email to get taken off their distribution list
•When you register with a site, or put in your email address, make sure you read the marketing small print to see if you're also agreeing to being sent emails. If you're not interested, look for a way of opting out
•Keep safe by making sure your password is secure and you have an up-to-date anti-virus program
•If you think you may have clicked a suspicious link in an email change your password immediately
If you're overloaded with unwanted emails, BT email gives you various tools to weed them out:
•Create a rule or filter to put unwanted marketing emails from companies you know into a specific folder so they are out of the way
•Create a disposable email address that hides your real identity when using new websites or companies
•Use the "Spam" button to mark email from unknown sources as spam. Although we have our own systems to detect and manage spam, we also rely on you to tell us the kind of things you don't want to get. We base a sender's reputation on what you tell us about the messages you get
•Block unwanted senders and email addresses
I have copied this for you magpie from bt's own website page. I have also copied the web link for you. I use the block feature on my partners bt email account. She like you gets more spam mail than I have ever seen on my Hotmail account.