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Making America Great Again...

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sandyRoe | 08:17 Wed 04th May 2016 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Would a long wall to exclude Latin Americans to the south and a ban on Muslims entering the country go any way to achieve this ambition?


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. would never work, for the reasons that I have given.
Mikey non of what you posted can be taken as "reasons". They are your opinions you mistake the two....... always. Clanad went to great lengths to post an answer that must have more relevance than any knee jerk or hair trigger (that bit was for the gun lobby know alls who are not American) trite sounding. I would hate Clanad to log off AB and take away the opinion that we are all cloth eared.
We have as much right to stick our noses into Trump's business as Obama has to stick his in ours, i.e. no right.
There was one thing he said on CNN last night, which I agree with, is that he said, if Saudi or other Arab states want USA to help police them against terrorist etc, they should pay for it.
Who's sticking their nose into Trump's business? It's called having an opinion.

And besides, we should care about how the US is run. We should care about how every country we deal with is run.
Tripe! As long as every country we deal with does so to our advantage it matters not a whit what they get up to in their own back yard.
//And besides, we should care about how the US is run. We should care about how every country we deal with is run. //

But we don't care how ours is run enough to say, this EUSSR gangster state is not what we voted for or were persuaded to go along with.
Spot on, Togo.
Trump isn't going to confine his influence to domestic policy. So yes, we should care.

It's an awful mentality not to care about how things are the rest of the world...

We can no longer afford the luxury of caring.
Quite the reverse, frankly.

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